New Arrivals Round Up, August 9, 2024
A compilation of some of our favorite new arrivals, where they came from, what they are, and where you can find them

This one’s for all the demented childless cat ladies out there (yours truly included) who came out last weekend and showed us photos of their cats and generally jollied up the joint. We have a cache of Crime Club Selections by Doris Miles Disney, who not only nailed the Hot Line Noir subgenre but also happens to have one of the all-time greatest author photos there is. Those glasses! That fur baby!
Whence: Found crying under a car in Navy Yard. We rescued it, bottle fed it, and now it’s ready to find its fur-ever home.
Where: Available on our website HERE.
Price: $60
Trinidadian author Samuel Selvon wrote the first major novel of the Windrush Generation, The Lonely Londoners, in 1956. We can never find his works, so to have two come in at the same time is, like, kind of a big deal.
Whence: A literature professor’s house somewhere in New England, which explains all the post-its and underlining.
Where: On the second floor in fiction, under “Selvon”
Price: $7.50 & $6 (“As Is”)

A beautifully-illustrated and generously foot-noted edition of the late Roman author’s unfinished magnum opus, a lengthy poem about astronomy and astrology. There are loads of editions out there of the Manilius Astronomicon, this one the first in the Delphin Classics editions published for Louis “le Grand Dauphin,” in the 17th Century.
Whence: From a bookseller pal over in the Shenandoah Valley
Where: On our website with more photos HERE
Price: $500

As well as wishing our customers to stay cool and dry these stormy summer days, we also wish them to stay regular. The first trade brochure pictured here is an 1880s pamphlet issued by Diamond Dyes–used for Easter Eggs as well as treating kidney disease and constipation. “Bathing Internally” dates from 1916 and includes many customer testimonials, suspiciously adorned with photographic portraits of said relieved customers.
Whence: A random box in our warehouse but I’d bet anything these originally came from somewhere in Bibliophagist’s back room in Ann Arbor
Where: The flip bins on the first floor
Price: $20 apiece